Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

My JUNE Plan

The worst feeling... when the things that you've had been planning on, turned out to go not like the way you planned. It happens to me T.T.... I've been planning to keep on my daily work out everyday but since March-May, it just stucked and stopped. What's the results of being indicipline? Of course, get my weight back into some parts of my body. But the good thing is just I still could maintain my waist size, on late February it was around 31 inches and now it decreased into 28-29 inches. Thanx God... at least I don't have big tummy, but still I could use some work out for throwing some garbage from my down part of my body. So this June plan is just simple, WORK OUT and EXERCISING every night and whenever I have the spare time. For dieting I don't think I'm able to be consistent about it. Because I do like eating alooooooooot. Maybe I could try not to eat for dinner or maybe getting accustomed to eat some wheat breads for "pretending" to my tummy. I guess tummy just not being too choosey. But my mouth is. So ignore the mouth and just eat another healthy food and do serve some good food for tummy. 
In the end of this month there will be Ramadan. It means that I have to do fasting. It is good news actually, because it might help my plan. But since when I get slimmer after Ramadan??? There was never been a story for that. So I really need to control my eating, do not eat a lot for breaking fast time. Maybe should start with hot sweet tea and another light snack ( I hope it's not "gorengan" please). And then give it a break for praying. And then start eat again maybe it's better to eat something with less carbohydrate (but still eat this). Just get less rice and eat veggies and fruits much. For "sahur" this is the time to get more carbohydrate and still need more veggies and fruits but eat less sugary foods. And must drink water much!!!!!! Just try to control it and I will get what I want. Yes, I think I'm ready to do it. Just eat normally for now. Not much but not too less. The most important thing is to keep working out and sweating out. 
I guess it's my plan for June I hope I can get what I've been planned for the beginning of this year. Get rid of my 10kgs weight off from my body. I don't know about my old weight before I do any of this plan. I guess it's more than 65 maybe 67 or something. Damn it! And now still stuck around 62 kgs. Well there is no useless plans if it's positive and we have the urge to do the best to make the plans happened.

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