Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

My New Vocab (PART 1)

I am in the middle of watching Supernatural Season 9 Episode 9, I know it's little bit too late to watch this episode, because I feel this show is getting boring and going anywhere without good point. The reason I keep watching it is because those Winchester brothers :D
But here, I will write some new vocabs from this show, I will do it more often since in my speaking exercise I don't have much new words to talk to, so I think I really need to renew it here. I will try to do it because sometimes I get new vocabs or cool idioms from movie that I watched. Especially from Supernatural, Dean always says new idioms that I think it's really awesome. Here it is

discreet : careful
convey : tell someone about something
summit : top, peak
enormous : big
presumable : can be guessed
"one beer, he is hammered" : "just one beer and he is already drunk"
" Level with me" : "Just say it to me"
befoul : dirtying
serpent : dragon, snake
solitude : loneliness, "My solitude is getting tedious"
tedious : boring
envisioned : dreamed
handpicked : choosed carefully
"He's been all over the map" : " He is been anywhere"
indecipherable : not readable
dupe : victim of deceit
devastated : broken
squatter : wild occupant
fidelity : loyalty
slay : kill

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