Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Review : Without You by HINDER

It's not important actually. But, just because I watched the video clip, I'm feeling that this song suits my feeling now. Hinder is a rock band, but in this song they sound more mellow and I kinda like rock band who sings mellow song (I mean they are really a rock band not just a fake rock band who only sings love songs, they are not).
This song tells about someone who is feeling different in a good way when her/his lover is leaving her/him. She/He is feeling fine without her/him. She/He can't believe that actually things are getting better after the break up. Because in the relationship she/he just feel tortured of fighting everyday with useless problem. She/He finds something good about her/hisself. And finally she/he realize that they are not meant to be together. The reason is in relationship it needs a comfortable feeling and not faking their own personality just to entertain the others. Well maybe I'm too bubbling my mouth telling this random stufs that I don't really care about. 
Here is the video, check this out :

Got the point after listening and watching this video, didn't you?
I feel I can relate myself to this song. Nothing's wrong with relating ourself to a song, right?
Well I'm feeling good, great, and happy. Without someone which are called guys, boys, or men. I can be free, doing anything that I like without anyone to complain about myself and about what I'm going to do. Noone insist me to do something that they are wanting me to do. Just me treating myself. Reading, writting, exercising, singing, even dancing and motorcycling or biking. I'm so feeling delightful and grateful, that this so called "loneliness" to some people is a chance for me to making myself a better person. I don't have any intention of seeing anyone now. I'm taking too long time being alone and independent. By being broken once or twice I don't feel that it counts, compared to the girls who are making alot of on and off relation with some guys. 
I envy sometimes, wanting someone to care about me. But I realize that noone is ever good enough for me. I'm just too much trouble now. I'm not ready yet. Let the time flow. But wait, I have plan, I have to meet someone this year. And I have big plan in my head I'm going to have some moment of my life in 2015. Hahahaa.... nothing is wrong with wishing right? But who is the guy? I don't know. But I understand now, that there is no point of waiting someone with too many troubles and uncertainty. I need a real person. Not someone who is just using me all the time. Not anymore. I will try to release that kind of burdens in my life this year. Let that go. I hope that burden gonna have another moment of his life this year and let me go. Aamiin ya Allah.

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