Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

My Daily Plan If I Go Back to Jakarta

I ve been thinking about “Will I come back to my old habit if I came back to Jakarta?”
My lifestyle there was really bad an unhealthy. After pray in the morning I slept again. Woke up very late. No breakfast and changed it into “brunch” instead, with highly amount of portion. Sleep a lot in afternoon. Eat in the late night with also much foods which have too much calories and not healthy. Of course because slept in noon, I can’t sleep at night so I slept above 1 am. Think about it. Noone of it good at all. No wonder, after spending 4 years there, I could gain more than 5kg now. My homework  at home is to fix this huge mistake. Very hard you know!
It makes me thinking, if I go back there? My work hard here will be useless. I will be like that anymore. It got me so frustrated. If I worked, I would have no time to exercise. This time right now, I’m thinking how to stay healthy with hot figure as my resolution in early 2014.
Here, I set some activities in daily life when I start to work later. I MUST  do it. No excuses!
·         Wake up early about 3.15am for qiyamullail *tahajud*. I wish I can do this.
·         After that preparing some foods to bring for lunch in office and breakfast. Simple food is needed, so I’m going to make some simple menu from now.
·         Maybe about 4am-4.30am before praying doing some simple exercises or just washing clothes and then take a bath.
·         About 5am preparing to go to office. Since there we only got 1 bathroom for 7 people so have to be smart and diligent to wake up early just for booking the bathroom.
·         Go straight to office before 6am.
·         Maybe go home about 7pm. Eating a little. Then go shower or preparing foods for tomorrow.
·         Have to sleep before 11pm. And must cook rice before sleep.
Well I got some ideas for breakfast or lunch.
1.      Omellete veggie
2 eggs with salt,cabbage, chillies, onions, or sausage/meatballs, etc (put it in one place in night and place in refri so the next morning just crack some eggs and fry)
2.      Garlic Bread
Put some margarine in one place with mashed garlic and small chopped celery (in the night). In the morning just put those mix margarine into a pan and put some slice of breads into it and fry. So I don’t have to wash the pan for making these two foods.
Those are fast and simple foods for lunch. But maybe I can feel lazy to bring those all. So, I would just fry some eggs and put it in between 2 slice of bread and make some easy salads. I know I will be lazy that time and going to bring bread or milk to work. That will be enough I think.  For exercise maybe I can’t do more often anymore. So in Saturday and Sunday, I have to do jogging as I did a year ago and in afternoon I can have much sleeping as I need to. Don’t forget to buy some veggies in traditional market there for a week. Some green veggies, chillies, garlic, onions, rice, eggs, noodles, or fruits maybe.

Well finally I made this rule for myself. Looking forward to make it real in future. Be healthy and hot!

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