Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Tips and Trick

Well I don't really have intention to write here. But suddenly, I feel I need to take some notes formyself here. I do some belly dancing maybe for 5 days now. I really do think that this dance is really working out for removing some fats in my belly. You know I did some hard exercise for tummy and tighs. It was not really difficult but it needs consistency and really not fun when I was doing it. Beside it was quite hurt and give stress to my body part. But then since I found this idea of belly dancing, I tried and tried little bit. I think I feel the advantage though it's not big advantage yet.
I feel that this every moves of dance are really detail for every parts of my body. Such as belly shimmy, it's not that easy, I'm still keep on trying that to make it look not too robotic lolx. But I feel, when I'm doing it, the shimming moves reach out every single muscle and fat inside my belly. I don't really know how it's going actually, but compared to the other exercise which are needing a lot of difficult movements, I think this belly shimmy is really fun and worth it if we do it regularly and well.
Beside the belly shimmy, I tried some other moves. Such as tighs -buns shimmy, wow it's real sexy moves. But it's really hard. It needs alot of effort and consistency. Because once I don't do it in a day I would have forgotten how to do it. So, I keep doing it while I'm walking or in the bathroom. Still figuring out how to combined all of those moves that I've been trying to do. But still I really not good at this dance for performance. I'm really rigid kind of person. Not really the dancer type of girl. But for keeping my body balance and good, I think I need to do it all the times when I have chance (or I need to make chances for doing it.). For the video, we can find it anywhere in youtube. So easy and fun.
Beside those tips for me or everyone of you who would like to have slimmer tummy and tighs, I also have some tips from Nabiila-Bee about mixing and matching color for clothes and hijab.
From her video, she said that she doesn't really have to think too much for matching the color. She's just doing it and it just happened. Well sometimes I do so. But the distinction is, sometimes I really bad for mixing and matching hijab and clothes. So sad. Yeah, because I always use uniform for college, so I don't really have to think about that a lot. Beside I saw a lot of girls in my college have bad taste of fashion, that's why it keeps me not to worry about this much.
Well from Nabiila, she gives a little tips here from a little things that I remember and caught from her video :
1. When she matches her blazer, first she gets her blazer, for example she has purple blazer, and all of her primar tops are mathc for that purple blazer. So for the blazer, she could use every color of top she feels like wearing.
2.Never have same color for top and hijab. For example she has purple blazer, she never wanted to use purple hijab/scarf. But it doesn't mean we couldn't do that. We could. But she would rather to choose other color. Because she doesn't want to wear 2 same colors in one outfit. Example is she wear purple blazer + mustard top. She would like to have red hijab/scarf. She thinks that red would go for purple and mustard. Nice idea.
3.She would never go to black hijab/scarf. The only reason she wears black is when she couldn't find any match hijab for her top. Such a good go.
4.She usually choose the outfit/clothes first, then choose the scarf later. Then she put the some scarfs aside with the outfit to see which color is match for the clothes. That's the tips. We have to do this before we put our outfit together so is for the shoes. But I don't really into with many shoes. I have not much shoes that's why.
I think those are the tips I could write from her. I would like to attach the video, but I'm kind of lazy to look for it. Well that's just it. Bye.............

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