Senin, 10 Februari 2014

New Vocab Part 4

It's been long time I didn't make important post. Today I would like to share about some new vocabs and idioms from the tv show which I watched yesterday. It was Supernatural Episode 13 on Season 9. Actually somedays ago, I also found out other cool idioms from other tv shows, but because  I wasn't in the mood to file them, I just blow it off away. Well then, just jump on it.

"I hate to break it to you, pal" : " I don't like to convey it to you, friend"
cushion : pillow
"tie the knot in Orlando" : "married in Orlando"
digress : out from the topic
"I'll catch up" : "I'm going soon", "I'll catch up with you soon" : " I'll go to see you soon"
deprive : making someone starving
"she ratted you out" : "she betrayed you"

Wow, I found not much of cool words there, so I'm going to add from PLL last we go

"don't haggle" : "don't bargain"
disapprove : moking
discreet : wise, careful

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