Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Old Stories From My Childhood Magazines

It's been a long time, since last time I wrote this blog. Missing you!
Since last Sunday, I was keeping myself busy with downloading and reading some old stuffs. Once upon a time, I had favourite magazine, named BOBO. I think it's everykids's favourite magazine in Indonesia. But, last time I read that, about 2013 edition, I felt disapointed too much. Because there, I could just found some silly advertisements which are made into a kid's story. Nothing fun in there anymore. I don't know, whether I'm too old to read that or the magazine lost it's precious contents.
So, I was just fooling around my internet searching. Good thing is my net speed is really amazing lately. So, the searching became more fantastic. I was looking for some old rugs of that magazine. About 80's or 90's edition. Yeah, that was the golden age of it. But I could find nothing. So I remember something. Once I read in 90's edition, there were some foreign comics inside of this. Like a bonus or something like that. It was like serial story. I found Pak Janggut! Wow.. from the name, I directly remembered the face of the character. Fat, short like a dwarf looking, has white long beard, sounds a bit like Santa Claus. He has magical bag. Like Doraemon. Well I remembered I ever had the part of the story. But that time, I never liked this kind of story. Why? Because it's in series packaging. I could not afford to subscribe whole of the magazine. So I just bought this when mom got money. Damn pathetic childhood. But I'm happy I could remember every great moment of it. Sometimes, when my mom asked me to go to Baledono market (a market which I should call an almarhum market because it was burnt down and nothing left of it...sad), she took me to a stall which sold old books and magazines. She bought me a bind of old Bobo, maybe early 90's edition. Wow that was a big joy I ever had. Kids nowadays will never relate the feeling I had that time. Full story, old classics fairy tales were there, besides it's cheap..hmm mom's old trick and it's never gets old.
Well, come back to old stories. Yesterday, I really used my memories to remember the things I read. I already got all full series of Pak Janggut (yeay!). So i just used some silly keywords to search on Google. Finally got some titles like, Prajurit Timah (this story really epic!!!), Emas untuk Misha (a marathon runner girl who has skin disease and always use weird yellow latex instead of clothes), and many more (actually I can't remember). But a lot of stories that I never read or heard that I downloaded also. But I don't really like Deni Manusia Ikan, so I skipped it. Never read this though. I remember an old story setting, which I remembered was a girl put a letter in the brick fence, ugh I can't remember. And Kucing dan Tikus, I remembered it, it was about two girls who always had fight in everything. Well i forgot again the next thing. Well, my searching will still continue. It's really nice to get the feeling from childhood back. I don't really do great things since I'm in long holiday. But at least it makes me happy. It's enough for now I think. I'm tired.

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