Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Anger Management (Part 1)

Lately, I realized some bad habits that's been happening with me. It's not really new. But I just feel it worse now. I was a really patient, easy going, and like to ignore the bad things that people's saying about me. But I felt something went wrong when I started to act rude whenever my friend put jokes on me or saying something that I don't like. I often get angry or saying something harsh to them. After that I feel really bad and regret it.
I thought maybe it's because I was in bad situation because that time I was in last semester of my study. So I thought I was just going through some bad times. And I feel it's normal. But after that's over, I back to home and it's getting terrible. I mean officially I have nothing to worry about, nothing's going on that make me in the lowest part of my life or having bad times. But I get mad more often over the simple things. Until it made my mom said "Why do you get so temper  after you finished your school?"
Yeah, Can't say that I don't feel that. I do feel that and it's really bugging me too much. Everytime I feel someone talk loud or scream, I feel really mad. It is like I want to come to them and say "Shut the ** up". Or when someone complaining about something too much or too often, it makes my ears burned and it's raising my emotion in the bad level. Moreover when someone shout or angry toward me. I don't know. I feel like I want to throw something on the floor and make some noises.
I'm having a problem with someone too. Pretty intense and difficult. Everytime we chat, we just throw each others bad words, it's really irritating me alot. I don't want to hurt anybody either. But the problem is really hard to explain. So I couldn't share it here or to anyone. This kind of matter makes my day even worse.
I do think, I should get over this kind of attitude. I think I need to manage it well, because soon I'm going to start my work. And I need to get rid of this kind of attitude.
Since now, I have a new homework in my home. About how to stay calm and control my anger well.
I don't know how yet. I'm still reading some sources. It's gonna be harder than keeping my work out program. But it's worth to try. I will keep this updated as partial posts. So just be ready for the next posts, my deary blog. Keep calm and enjoy the life Allah gives to you. Be thankful! Alhamdulillah....

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