Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Places I Want to Go..

As a human living, we may wishing and hoping, even dreaming. I have a dream long time ago. I wanna go around my country, Indonesia. Out from this island (that I've lived for almost 23 years), Java Island. I never been to Bali. Yeah, so sad. Maybe that will be my next destiny before I have plan to work in region out of Java island. I have dream of going out of this island and maybe Insha Allah it will come true on next year 2015 when I work. Even if I don't know where, I hope I'm going to be in good place that will support me to be a better one, I hope also wherever place I will be, I can help to make people or instantion there better. Aamiin. I have no clue where I'm going to be but I'm sure He will choose me the best one. His choice never been wrong to me, as long as I'm living in this tiny world.
Besides that, in elementary school, I ever got some jokes with friends. In Atlas book, has some pictures about 7 Wonders of the World. There got many pictures, (Borobudur didn't count for our destiny), Great Wall China chosen by Rini my friend, Taj Mahal in India chosen by Indri, Pisa Tower chosen by Wati, and I got Eiffel Tower in Paris, French. Yes, that time maybe it was just some random jokes. We didn't realize how things are developing faster within 10 years. We didn't know that in our fingers, we could connect to other people in other side of the world. We might be made that as a joke, but who knows about future. The impossible things in present can be easily come up to the surface of the possible things in the future, or maybe it will be a usual/common things.
I'm speaking this things, why? Because I have a dream, that someday I can visit places that I want to be. Can I elaborate those things? I even had a dream about going in these places.
1.Mekkah & Madinnah
maybe sound so religious, but it's not. Everytime I see the pictures of it in sajadah or painting in the rich people's houses, I feel like it's very wondeful place, full of light and sacred. I haven't thought about some religious views because I was a little girl. Just like, is this place even real and looks like this pictures? Silly questions, because it's even more better than the pictures. I ever had real dream going there with mom and family, I was already on the plane, ready to go. Yeah, I hope it will come true.
2.Eiffel Tower, Paris, French
Yes, it was part of my jokes. I always wonder what it feels like to go there. Using coats, jeans, and boots with shawl, hat , and black glasses. The night view, the light, the breeze. Ohhh, someday I will go there. I never had this in my dream actually but I always want this moment to be real.
I'm 90's kid. Of course I know Sailormoon, Doraemon, Sinchan, Ninja Hatori, Chibi Maruko Chan, etc. With those cartoons, which grown up person from the 90's who doesn't want to go to Japan? Raise your fingers, I wanna see. Giving back the memory of childhood by feeling the real life in Japan, is a dream of kids in 80's and 90's I think. I used to think about how the circumstance in Nobita's house, I want to be Nobita's friend, I want to have Doraemon. It's a dream. But my friend from elementary school has made it there. See?? Nothing is impossible. I had dream there. Talking with Japan man, seeing some girls or kids in uniform, and there I'm also with my family. I don't know I study there or what. It feels so real if I remember the scene right now.
4. Australia
It's the western country which is very near from Indonesia. I had a dream once, using a car I go there underneath the sea. I even talked in English to some people there. All  I saw are blonde people. I saw the tag name of the street but I couldn't remember. Well it was fantastic, I was in Melbourne maybe. I want to go there someday.
Of course there are still a lot of places I want to go like whole of European countries.But those are the places that I've thought about now. We never know that in our talking or joking, it could be our wishing that has been heard by angels. So, be careful of what you're saying or wishing. We never know  what we are thinking as a joke that we think couldnt be true, suddenly be granted without you even wishing.

Happy weekend!

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