Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

WELCOME 2014...I'm going to miss you 2013

It's been a lazy day for me. Why? Because noone at home except me and grandma. So, I will just crawling in the bed whole day. But of course I've done my physical exercise -ehmm aerobic exercise- before an hour ago. But I haven't taken a bath, I even ate breakfast again Ohhhh damn. What's the point of my aerobic. It's okay, I have my second breakfast because the first one, I was giving my sister half of my rice. So I still needed more. Eventhough I wasn't so hungry, but my cook today is so delicious. So, I couldn't bare it without eating it again and again. *Oh damn*
I got new video for aerobic. It is an hiphop aerobic exercise. Quite catchy, energic, and young. I feel like becoming Agnes Monica by doing the dance. Haahah... This is the video, you may check this out. I have done it for 3 times in the last 3 days. My all body feel so wreck down. Hmm that too much.
OMG. I want to pee. But I'm lazy to go out room. I want to finish my writting first.
So I wouldn't like to blablabla a lot this time. I just wanna share my resolution this year.It's a common resolution, I mean everyone can have it. No trademark needed for copying mine. Hihiii
Well Okay, here we go :
I want to have a good body. By what? Lessing my weight. Yeah, it's not easy. But before I start to work I'm going to make sure that my body is under-exercising control. Everyday, for about 30 minutes doing aerobic. Sit up and biking may added. And then going to control my eating. That is one annoying thing. But I will make sure eating breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner before 6pm. Sleeping before 10pm is a must. Well I have a quite height. I mean most of Indonesian girls have height below 160 cm in average. I'm 162 or 163 cm I remembered, is a quite gift from God. Not much of 'very tall' but it's tall enough for Indonesian in average, I should have felt very grateful by keeping it balance with my weight.I made very huge mistakes by ignoring this balance.By reducing food, I know it will work out very fast. Maybe I can lose 1 kg every week without doing exercise and just eating lunch and breakfast with a piece of bread and don't have dinner at all. But this way it is so wrong. We can lose sooo much weight in a month. But what will we think if suddenly our diet mood has gone?  We are going to back as a monster who eat a huge amount of foods, out of control, and voila! we will gain weight much more than what we lost it. Kind of pathetic? But I read that by doing exercise, sport, it will lose our weight step by step. Not in instant. But first it will make our muscle tightened, converting fat into energy and muscle. So weight still stay but the shape will be different. That's what I'm looking for. Who cares about our weight when we already have hour-glass shaped body? Hahaha.. Yeah I want that firm tighs, legs, arms, and sexy stomach. Which is flat and don't have "bump" like what I'm having now. So physical fitness is very important. People can have very slim body but not all of them have a healthy looking. Maybe some of them look like pale, skinny, or sick people. Well nobody likes to be seen like that. I don't want. But having overweight body isn't helathy either right? I'm going to post my picture, before I'm doing exercise. Using skinny jeans and T-shirt. Decide, am I overweight? I think so... Huhu..need to get rid of just 5kg please to come back what I used to be. T.T
The other resolution is, I don't know yet..... but that's what I wrote above is quite something right? I was too much ignoring that thing. Even after my mom mad alot with me cause I eat too much. But now I understand why. It's not good to feel the fat around you. Well there's nothing wrong for girls to have a good body I guess. It's not for someone but formyself. Doing exercise give some charges for bringing my euphoria by increasing dophamin or something. Better do this thatn drugging is it?
Finally it's done. My feeling is happy, my body is healthy, what else could you want in this life?
These are pictures before doing exercise at all. I hope I can post different looking from these, hmmm..big thigs so disturbing.

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