Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

My Program and How to Handle Other's Judgement

Heyaaaa.....it's been so long for me not to write here anymore. Same issues like the previous post actually. It has been the third week for my new hobby. Hobby? Great that I got one now. Before I was talking about my aerobic exercise to decrease my weight. Now, I have intention to shape my tumy and tighs. Because it looks bad. I'm inspired by Jen Selter. She is so happening in twitter or instagram (which I'm not using) as Butt-Goddess. Even Rihanna follows her and envy for her great butt. Yes, I admit it, she has big butt but it is hot. Not big fat ass like that. It makes me thinking. Hey, I have big ass too. I always complain about how big it is. I'm not realized that maybe girls out there working so hard to develop their asses. Why can't I look after it?? It's a gift. Damn! I feel so wasted too much. I do have the body but I never give a damn about to have a shape. Such a fool. All I need to do is control, handle, and worked out.
I have to control the food that enter my tummy. Last night I ate late, it's such a sin for me now to eat that late. I ate noodles (ugh), bread, and drink soda. OMG. I wanna cry after I ate those. Soon after I ate, I did some short exercise. Until I felt tired. I don't want to spoil my exercise. I work hard enough lately.
So this morning I decided not to eat breakfast and just do aerobic and exercise for my tummy and tighs. It hurts alot actually, but I have to handle it. I have to keep work out until I get the shape that I want. If I got the shape, I would try to maintain it well. By still doing exercise and control my foods.
It needs only commitment. I heard my friends talked alot of diet, don't eat this that, and really concern about the food that they eat. But they avoid doing sport or exercise. Maybe their weight could decrease fast, but it won't last long I know. When they stop their commitment, they eat evenmore. Us girls always wonder how a guy, our friend can lose so much weight. I saw how he worked out. He never use lift. He use stairs instead. It's really a bold move. All he needs to is commitment and stop spoil out to his friends that he does diet. WHY?
Here I am going to write how to stay in our commitment of keeping the shape of our body and our relationship to others.
1.First of all, stop talking about your program before you even start it.
You can just do your work out or gym without telling "hy girls, I'm on diet you want to join me?"
Don't ever say that. You could just ask your friends to join you but not show off like that. "Hey, how about this weekend we go to gym or doing some aerobic exercise together. My body needs some movements. Will you join me?"
2. Bring up friends who are really have same motivation and intention.
Friends are really needed for giving support to us. By giving motivation once when our feeling gets lose to do our commitment is important. So when we are going to do some of work out or diet, ask friends that you already know that they have big motivation not friends who are too much talking and no action. Because they will drag you backward far from your commitment. Just look around and talk to your each friends about to go jogging in the morningor doing gym. See if they canceled it or not. If you and your friends could get along for more than a week, then it is your motivator friends.
3.Don't hang out too often with friends who have "big belly"
Sounds rude? It doesn't mean like that. I mean here, don't hang out with friends who are like to eat alot anytime anywhere. It's fine if we go hang out to the mall on weekend. But what if your friends ask you to stop in some junkfoods places or grabbing some ice cream everytime you go out? I don't think it's great idea. Once or second time in a week it's fine. But everytime when you walk home from office? Beside it's bad for your purse, it's bad for your health. Try to maximize your eating at home not going out. But don't punish yourself by not to go at all. We need to be happy right?
4. Ignore all the bad judgements from others
When some of people around you, know what you're doing. They will start to judge. It's a must. They are going to say "Hey you don't seem to lose so much weight? Why don't you just stop and join us!", "You're not look good at all in that pants. You said you have worked out. It doesn't look that way to me.", "You shouldn't eat that you are on diet.Or that also don't", "I see you're not going to have dinner. You're on diet."
Oh please those judgy big mouths are always open for you. So be ready.The safest thing is don't ever show them that you have your own food journal or exercise program inside your room. Just do simple exercise not aerobic one. And eat normally and don't refuse when your friends ask you to buy foods in night. Just walk them out at least it's good for your legs. But don't buy food because you already eat before night.
Maybe those are things that comes in mind. Some are happening to m some are happening to my friends. Sometimes I become the judgy person too. It's really annoying actually. But anyway be healthy and hottie!!!!!!

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