Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Anger Management (Part 2)

Needn't long time to find about anger management. But need long time to understand all of that. I got some amazing writting about "Why You are Your Own Worst Enemy?". Found this on elitedaily's page. Kind of great article about why ourselves is worst enemy to us. The connection between my anger management here is simply because this worst enemy is the reason why we can be so temper and not thankful for everything we have. By knowing ourselves, maybe we can understand better how to control the bad mind that has been going on around our heads. From that I'm going to rewrite this with my own words about what "not-to do list" to be friend with outselves.

  • Don't put some goals to someone 
We shouldn't focus our goals on such a relationship to someone. Why? Because how many times people have let you down? Once or twice? I don't think so. Just set some goals for youself about anything you like to do. Something fun, useful, and develop yourself. I do put a goal on someone. Each time I remember, I feel it eats me alive. It feels like absorbs a lot of attention and it makes me couldn't focus on something real and better.

  • Please All and You'll please None

This words really have a deep meaning. We can't do what everyone or society need us to do. Like all of them. We can't really enjoy ourlives with that. Just do whatever is good to you, of course something which is not give bad impact for others, and have a good time with that. Just be yourself and happy.

  • Don't think About If for Future Too Much

This IF is really bad disturbance for our movements. I am myself often have this big IF. Like If I ..... will I .....?? Too many consideration and doubt will just make us stepping back. Once we set our plans for future, just get along with it. Find some ways to make it happens. Stop having imagination like we are psychic and judging God's plan. It's really bad to have negative thought about what He is planning to do with you. Just pray and give Him good impression in positive way. He will not let you down even once. Never. I never felt He ever put me in disappointment. I got disappointment by my own deeds and thoughts. That's really bad!

  • Stop Generalizing Others

This one thing happens a lot in our  lives. One little person annoyed you, doesn't mean other person in the same gender, age, occupation, tribe, language, or even in the similar faces are the same attitude. Girls maybe like to do this thing. Once they got betrayed by a guy. When they meet other guy and hurt them, they will start say this, "Guys are all the same". Well, don't be too surprised, they don't mean any by this words. Just think it girls, if guys are the same why on earth you try to date different person once in a month? Like you're doing chemo???

  • Stop being so Proudy because it is Jealousy

It's really something that darken my heart. For sure? Sometimes Facebook page gives us inspirations but sometimes it gives us some heart disease (not liver or cardio disease IYKWIM). We saw some good moments happens to our friends's lifes. We feel envy, it is jealousy. Some friends making good stuffs by handmade, we saw it and think "Who is going to care about those ugly hairclips?". This proudy feeling also called jealousy, because we know we couldn't do better than those persons and yet we still blame them. It's not healthy I know. But I always do that. Sometimes seeing other happy lives makes us do bad hopes. It is real jealousy and it's the worst. Example is I see a friend's trip abroad with the new family. And I start to stalk on the timeline, see the gaps of sad status and laugh on it like "see her life isn't that good and yet she has gone abroad for honeymoon. what a waste?". Really bad! Just do some useful activities to stay yourself away from this habit.
Don't waste your imagination to make Excuses

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