Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Wednesday morning

This morning, my body smells so bad. it's important to write. I just finished my morning exercise. It's been a week and I feel nothing is changed.But, one thing is my appetite has gone for these couple days. Maybe it's because my menstruation cycle. Anyway, it's good for losing my appetite, since a week ago I was eating too much. Yeah, a week before menstruation is started, usually I get hungrier than ever. But nearly my menstruation or in the menstruation cycle, I lost it. After it's finished everything will go normally.
Yesterday I got a tips from my ehmm...cute 'friend'. He said to me to eat or combined cinnamons ( a tea spoon) into a water or any foods. He said it will help me to do diet. I read also on google, and it's true. Also lemon which is added into a water. But, here quite hard to find lemon. So i skip that one.I haven't tried his method yet, but I would like to try. Maybe it's simple thing. I'm still working on my rules. The minus point is, I'm still not able to chew foods 36 times. Always in 12th chewing, it goes down slowly to my throat. Should I take it up and chew it again? I ain't like a bird with 'tembolok'. Helloooooooo. It's really difficult. Because it's basically in our habit. Habit makes our organs work that way without we even think or order to. Besides, I never realized my chewing when I eat something. So, it just passed through the throat and gone.
Well, today I'm going to read some comics and download newest episod of PLL, season 4 episode 14. I ve been waiting this episode like 100 years ago. Finally, the day is coming.
So, by that it also means my holiday time will soon finished. Maybe after 2 months. But, I still got no information from my campus, ups not from my campus, I meant from my instantion about when will we start to work???But, I'm still enjoying my long holiday inside my room doing nothing and just chilling with myself.
I kind of think about someone out there. He is really understand me. Like totally understand me.Noone never have done that perfectly. Never thought also,it would be this long. For 2 years already. It's amazing for relationship like this. Noone could do this, yeah, maybe our commitment and trust, so it could possibly happens. But I feel it's on him. He never tried to let go. I do many times. Like all the time. But He never did. He ever did once. But I drawed him back. I could never lose him like that, not anymore.
He could read my mind, he could read my face. When I think about something, he would be just said "what the hell are you thinking? Don't think too much!" I don't even know what I was doing that time, so I just smiled. I feel like it will never work out with anybody else. I always push someone away. He already knew me, so he would keep staying. I don't know about anyother. They will leave and angry, maybe never want to try more.
He lives in sunshine country. Actually he is from the west side of mine, yew know. Ok, I always fall for guys from there. Hell why, I don't know. But he ain't like those guys. I used to fall for cute, handsome, almost look like actor, well those guys are shits. He isn't. He is just simple not that freakingly handsome but he is goodlooking, charming, and has very beautiful smile. OMG. He makes me fall in love again.
I really have plan this year or next year, if I got any chance, I will invite him to come here. For going there, seems like impossible things to do. But 2015 we will make it true, 2016 we are going to beat all the weakest things and prove to the world we could make it. And maybe 2017 it will come true. So long? Yeah it is. But who knows, within 2015 we could make it easier and faster. So 2016 I will officially changed my last name. Aamiin. Love u.

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