Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Working Out to Get Flat and Slim Stomach

I am sooo motivated to have a good body. Because yesterday I was so happy that some of pants are fit again for me, also my small tank top that I thought is impossible to wear, now it fits me perfectly. Maybe my weight isn’t coming down that much like what you think it is. But I think I lose some useless fat which had been buried for such a long time. At least they are burned little by a little. But as I told you in previous posts, I’m still looking for a way to make my stomach and tighs slimmer. So today I looked for the way.
I found a post which is posted by a friend on facebook about getting slimmer tummy. Wow, exactly what I wanted to see. I saw the picture which has many quotes and tips. I’m going to post it here in my own words.
1.      Exercise approximately 30-60 minutes per-day. (Done)
2.      Eat small meals often and don’t skip meals (Less carbohydrate Done)
3.      Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal (Done)
4.      Weigh yourself daily (Not yet)
5.      Keep a food journal with you always (In process of making journal)
6.      Remove all unhealthy snacks (I don’t have snacks, so Done)
7.      Store only healthy foods and snacks (Done, fruits, coconut biscuits, no noodles in a week)
8.      Schedule physical activities (Done)
9.      Eat at home often (always Done)
10.  Don’t use serving bowl (I don’t know what is this)
11.  Fill up healthy foods before dessert (I never had dessert)
12.  Make active choices for everyday tasks (I’m lazy)
13.  Don’t eat while watching TV (Done)
14.  Vary activities (not yet)
15.  Never eat from containers (Done)
16.  De-Stres before eating (don’t stress? Why should I?)
17.  Start with high fiber breakfast (not yet)
18.  Buy and use pedometer (not yet)
19.  Walk 30 minutes everyday (not yet)
20.  Plan a week's groceries (I will)
21.  Have a craving plan (oh sure)
22.  Reward yourself with non foods (If I ate too much I will regret and have to add more exercise)
23.  Use a weight loss online buddy ( I don’t get it)
24.  Wear blue (it will press appetite, sure I don’t like blue that’s why I always hungry)
25.  Throw out large plates (Done)
26.  Throw out large clothes (No actually, now I reuse my small clothes)
27.  Use mirror to measure (I use some body measure)
28.  Read labels on food product (Never)
29.  Avoid butter (I don’t eat much of it)
30.  Increase calcium (like calcium milk or what?)

I already did some of them, and it works enough for me. Beside doing those things, I have a video about shaping tummy and lower part of my body. It is soooooooo difficult, I admit. Some Pilate work out also included here. I just can do 2 or 3 moves and that wasn’t completed. This work out is about 10 minutes. I think I will try a little bit when I have some spare time, this exercise also good for me if I moved back to Jakarta. Needn’t much place and don’t make some noises in my bedroom. Be slimmer and hotter!

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