Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

New Vocab (Part 3)

It's been a very clumsy day for me....I didn't know what to do and end up in the earthquake moment in the middle of the noon. It's not much that terribly big, but it was really made me pretty shocked up. More or less it was about 5 minutes. According to BMKG it has 6.3 SR. So potential, huh? Its center was in Hindia ocean, for certain place was in Kebumen regency, near my regency FYI. I watched on the news, they said it was in the depth about 60meters under the sea. That's why it gave some mess around the Java Island. Well I saw it didn't take victims at all, Alhamdulillah. The thing is, it was such a warning for human that He is listening, He is knowing for all that we've done, and He could give us more than that if we stop to obey. Well I got it in the hard way. It's really kicked me in the ass, soooo much. I did want to delay my dzuhur prayer. And I realized, it jsut happend 15 minutes after adzan ended. If someone did pray right after heard the adzan called, it would have been finished by the time the earthquake happend. So, I think it to myself, I shouldn't think to delay it anymore what if this was bigger and harder then I don't know I still can take my last prayer or not. Scary, eh?
Well this time I also post some of new vocabs from Supernatural season 9 episode 10. I didn't finished it yet. Kind of lazy to watch in situation like this. So that just it.

stutter : speaks not clearly
bootted out : kick off, fired
"like it all matters" : "like it's important"
shackle : tied
stiff : rigid, clumsy
vicinity : around, surround, "People who lives in your vicinity will end up dead"
viable : could be work, "I have Plan B which is more viable than Plan A"
scrounge up : looking for, steal
inexplicable : can't be explained
"Why do you need the wheels?" : "Why do you need to use vehicle?"

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