Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

"Shake Your Body Like A Belly Dancer"

Long time since my latest post.....I was kind of busy because in my place having some terrible impact cause of volcano explosion from Mt.Kelud in East Java. The dust or ashes came along to some parts of Central Java, evenmore bit places in West Java. I hope things will get better, in my home and around still looks so gruesome. No green leaves, just grey view surronding my sight. I can't leave home either. My parents also didn't attend some wedding party of a friend, looking at the situation, it has no possibility to risk ourself in the middle of dusty wind. So I totally just spend my whole life inside room (I think it's nothing special, I do it for 5 months already). I meant, no going out in weekend like usual because have to clean up my house. Besides that, lately I need to study for the next test before I start my job. I don't think this test is necessary for us, because we already had some agreement in previous time that we can be some official servant without taking another test for entering, after we have done our study. But it seems like didn't go that way, starting from last year. I feel so disappointed about it. I hope even if someone don't pass the test, it will have no side effect for us, so we still can have our right that had been promising from beginning. But still I need to study.
Lately, I don't really concern about my exercise anymore. I just do when I want. But mostly I don't do it for some days. But then I stumbled into some silly idea. That was about belly dancing. Wow, I was seeing Dewi Gita on OVJ some times ago, she doesn't have very slim body like other 'sinden' have on OVJ, but I don't know why, I always like her whenever she wear 'kebaya'. It just looks good on her better than other 'sinden' who wears it. Her body not that skinny slim like Gisel has. But she has curvier figure, I thought maybe because she is older than the other's. And I think she has good figure, look bit different then the beginning when she was a newbie on that program. She doesn't look so fit for the dresses.
But then I saw her do some belly dancing. She covered her face in the first time, but I already knew it was her. And kind of surprising, she looks so slim and good. Still looks like younger girl. And she danced that perfectly. From that it got me thinking. I want to do that dance.
It is difficult I know, but I think it worths to try. So today I started to do that. It was really really hard. My body part which felt so painful when I did that were my arms, my back, and my chest. For my arms I think it's cause of the snake moves. My back is when I shake my tummy and my chest is when I played the moves on my shoulders. Really hard but fun though. I enjoyed it. For legs, don't worry. This dance also provides the legs moves. Especially when we shake our ass and tighs. I don't feel pain for that, but it's quiet heavy for my bottom. But I like how it moves, it feels so sexy.
No wonder it becomes such an erotic dance. It's really expose the beauty of women's body. But I think it's safer for me to do it alone in my room. This could be an alternative from me better than my old aerobic exercise. Because doing this dance, it doesn't need big place to jump, run, or step. It's kind of static for movement. All I need to move is just my body parts and my position is steady still in the same position. It doesn't make some noice to, except if I use some cute accessories that they wear around their hips. But  would like to have it.
So, maybe this is one of my other alternative if I get bored and couldn't do my aerobic exercise because of the limitation of room. It's not that bad also, if I think it's less burn some calories, I would like to do it 2 times in a day. So, I'm gonna need an hour for this. Or I should just do other exercise, like do some squatting for my down part of body. Yeah, everyday at least 30 minutes (non-stop) do some exercise. Doesn't need the hard one, but this simple dance also good for burning some calories. Besides, I still have to control my food. Kind of being greedy since yesterday because I ate alot of durian, my favorite fruits.
For the video , you can find a lot on youtube, but choose the longest video about more than 30 minutes. Because the short time means nothing but to train yu how to do 1 part of movement.
Well, I kind of  feeling sad actually, I feel so unsure and doubt about someone. Maybe I should drop it and move on. It's useless to think about someone who doesn't take you seriously. I deserve better and I don't think I should spend anymore time with that person. I don't really care about it now.

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