Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

My New Vocab (Part 2)

Today, I'm going to watch Originals the series which is the spin off from The Vampire Diaries. When TVD started their season 5, Originals released their first season. Kinda like it more than TVD, because the plot and their twisted story between witch, vampire, werewolf, and the original family is really awesome. However TVD starts to get weaker episode by episode. The thing that makes it strong for making their fans stay tune is the power of Damon, but in season 5 he is more like Elena's bitch. Still looking forward what they would bring though. Ok, let's get this faster. I will watch Originals Season 1 Episode 11. I'm gonna make the list of  my new vocabs. Check it out.

to be reckoned with : to be counted on,"He is still good to be reckoned with"
tucked in : slipped in, stayed, "She is tucked in down the hall"
splendid : good, "It's not a splendid idea"
racket : noisy, "What's with all the racket?"
disrupt : disturb, "I said disrupt the household, not the whole city"
manifest : transform, "Why is she manifesting into such a little girl?"
snoopy : overwhelmed curiosity, "I was really snoopy about your secret"
eavesdrop : listen to something behind door etc, "You know you don't have to eavesdrop, I keep nothing from you"
"Eww.. If that's dinner, I pass" ="Eww..if that's dinner, I don't want to eat"
conscrate : making something in holy
bribe :"sogok"
startling : surprising
conveniently : happily. cheerfully, "She said that conveniently"
resurected : come back, can be used again, "After that sacrificing, she will be resurected"
stripped : taken, "I know what it's like to have your happiness stripped away from you"
deteriorate : getting worse, "The more upset you are, the faster you deteriorate"
prominent : outstanding citizen
"Enlightened me" : "explain it to me", "humor me", "try me"
profound : very deep, very big, "it's profound and wonderful to know you are still alive"
hemorrhaging : bleeding
incessant : continuously
stupefy : wonder
refuge : shelter
accomplished : clever, "He is accomplished in many things, but not about cooking"
conduit :transfer, " I do it to conduit my power to that witch"

Too much new vocab in this show, I know, because mostly the actors have British-English accent,  so I think a lot of vocabularies that I never get used to it. Yesterday, I also wanted to write from PLL series, but no new vocabs that I found there. All are easy vocabs, even without subtitle I can understand and get each of their conversation.

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