Jumat, 03 Januari 2014


I just saw myself in the mirror. Oh, noooooo... tighs are still shaking the fat, ass also bumping, arms, stomach alsooooo. I feel a little desperate, actually. Almost a week and I don't see any differences in my shape. Maybe it needs more than a week to see the changes after doing some aerobic exercise. Or I need to set my daily eat schedule? Yes, eventhough I do exercise everymorning everyday (because I'm in very long holiday), I still can't control my foods. I still eat junk food, junk food here as I live in village now are instant noodles and "gorengan". But heyyyyy don't you underestimate it, they are very delicious foods, simple, cheap, and yummy. Of course! that's why they are called junk food. What am I going to do?
I know that I haven't done the maximum effort for decreasing my weight. I still eat a lot, still sleep too much, and being a lazy cow. But at least I have made a move to myself, by doing exercise everyday in the morning for aboout 30minutes non-stop. That's quite progress for me. Knowing that I'm a lazy cow and can't hardly doing anything.
Here I am, trying to convince myself that I can make my body looks better in a good shape and healthier.I have to set some rules to myself. Well, I'm here sounding too much idealism. But, if I don't force myself to care about my own then who else does? My best motivation is pants. I wanna use pants without look like I have big tighs and ass. The other is Ashley Benson. She is really great, I wanna have shape like hers. In Spring Breakers movie (I haven't watched it) she looks so amazing with those bikinis. She has same height as mine (I already told ya) but of course different weight. But she has quite tendency to be a fat one. Because in her series PLL, she showed some changes. But who knows, in the movie, she needed to gain some of her weight because she was too skinny for the movie. Anyway, I love her curvy waist. I don't like skinny one.
But hey,I got shocking picture from her. She looks a bit fatty here,
That's the prove that she ain't born with perfect figure. She must do some workout though. Looks like she just or almost go for gym. Her workout routine are gym, Pilates, even boxing. Well I don't know much about Pilate and boxing. And I have no money to spend on gym center. So i would like to make my own plate.
1. Wake up early, praying, cooking as usual, eating some morning snacks
2. Doing exercise  for 30 minutes before having breakfast
3. Eating breakfast, this may takes a lot of foods but stay in control
4. Shower and then use this time for doing some stuffs
5. In lunch time eat as needed don't be too much drink much water before eating
6. Don't forget to try to chew 36 times
7. Don't sleep in the noon
8. Dinner before 7pm
9. Sleep before 10pm
Well, that's easy rules. I may want to add biking and sit up but it's for later if I can do these simple rules. Be happy and healthy!

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