Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014


It's been a long time since my last post. This time I'm willing to share about my silly plans. I don't know well about my future wanna be, but I'm sure this time I'm going to be make these ones out come true.

Knowing that I'm not smart enough, I realize that I got no chance to choose placement in the west part of Indonesia. I directly chose center and east part of Indonesia. And finally I got North Maluku as my next destination. I don't know why I feel it's such a spirit for me to go and stay there for my career. I believe in myself that by being there could lead me to the next level of my life. I wanted to apply some schoolarship abroad. For exact destination I'm so eager to go to New Zealand. It seems like there got a best place to live. By doing some QnA with my senior, she said that to apply some schoolarship, I have to start it from earlier time. Because it might have needed some extra preparation. It couldn't been done in an instant. So from her tips I should start to write paper and post it in journal. And for English trainning, I think I don't have to worry much. I have many friends for exercising in speaking English. And beside, I can also doing it by youtube or reading some English article. It shouldn't be my barrier, I wish.

Other more important thing is, I hope in the future I still have that fire for doing it. I'm so sure that if I want, I must be able to do it. I wish...I wish....

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