Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Another Weird Days In Office

It's been a year I ve been working in this office in the middle of nowhere  West Halmahera. It was good until the storm's coming. What kind of storm it was? I don't even know. All I knew was when I just engaged into relationship with him things are changed between me and people here in office. I don't know why. Did I do something wrong? Maybe because I went home quite late at night. But helloooo it's not everyday, duh! and by the way what it has to do with me and them. Nothing right? If they have something in mind why do they just don't tell me right away? Why do they have to hide and ignore me and all??
Well they blame me for being introvert and not telling them about what's happening with my life and being extrovert to somebody outside people in office instead. Well why don't you all just ask yourself why did you shut me out in the first place? I don't know what's happening but it makes me feel weird. Being in the same room but noone talking to me. It was like I'm there but not really there. And somehow they blame me for not socialize myself. I wanted to but it seems to me that they shut me out. In this situation I miss my friends, yeah I do really miss them.
Well I dont really care about it. I do what I like. I dont want to think about this cheap thing. If they don't like me it's okay. I will still do my job well though. Whatever

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