Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Out of Control Weight

It's been my second month since I moved in West Halmahera, North Maluku. It is nice being here, They permit me to live in their official house. So, I don't have to pay the rent, just pay the water and electricity bill. Nice! I don't live alone there, but practically I'm alone. My house mate go back to her city every weekend. And now she took some weeks off for giving birth, and yes it means I'm alone in that house. House is quite nice, quite space for just 2 persons, but the bathroom leaked. And I got it fixed by myself. Well can I proud to myself? I'm such a multifunctional lady. LOLX.
Well for the record, here I couldn't find any foods that I want. Food here is quite boring, especially when I have to buy food outside to take it away back home. Just fish, fish, and fish. I like it though. But for like everyday? I don't think so. Sometimes I need just to eat snacks or some light food. And for that reason I have to be able to cook them all to fulfill my desire. It would be so horrible if I'm just thinking about it and couldn't do nothing about it. So Here I am, cooking lady.
It was nice for the beginning, but after some times, I feel something different in my body. Yes, as you can say, I gain weight of course. I don't know how much. But I could feel, and by the mean I could feel the changing, it is bad. Usually I didn't feel but when I checked it, at least 1-2kgs. So it means I gain more than that, Maybe now I'm around 65kg....dammit!
 What can I do now? I like cooking alot when it comes to the food I really want, I just couldn't resist to make it, despite of some failure, mostly I tried at least until 3 times to get right taste. Some food I feel proud of now is Ketoprak (only 1 shot and succeed), Cilok (need 2 times trial to make the better dough), Siomay (one shot, because it is similar to cilok, so I know the way), and other failed foods like Klepon and Mochi (that is clearly because I don't have the equipment).
What will I do now? Knowing that my appetitte is sooooo highly uncontrolable. -You know in night, usually I didn't eat again, but still I could feel the fat burried in my under part of body- And by the way this evening I want to make some cheese donuts too, and the next day cheese cake....I hope it works, and finish before night, so I could give some of them to my neighbours. The thing that can make me eat alot is the feeling guilt if I toshed the foods away and not eating it...
One thing I need to do is exercising, work out like before, but I feel like I have no time for doing it, just tired after work then tomorrow have to start to work again....Anyway I always walk everyday to go n back from office, I hope it helps me to get rid of little fat from my thighs.
           I guess it is enough for today....I need to get some stuffs for my cheese donuts this evening to drink it with coffee or just hot water. And maybe for breakfast. I will just make a little , afraid it failed and too much.And for tomorrow I will make pecel for lunch I guess...with extra veggies. Sounds good.