Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

North Maluku-West Halmahera-Jailolo for 2015

It's been a long time since last time i shared the post here on my blog. Noticing that the last time was on June. There I saw that my weight was 62kgs and now it was 60kgs wow...couldn't believe it. Because since I moved work from STIS to BPS i got a lot of food to eat there (got extra job with extra happy). I think it was because of too much activity and go home late in the night. But I didn't get a chance to do some work out again so I was thinking that I'm gaining much weight now. But I have to maintain this thing well enough. Well forget about weight thing, if i want to eat much just go directly to the veggies or fruits for better solution. My digestion system also still good, I do that at least 1-2 times in a day. Great!
For the hottest topic I'm going to write something here. That soon enough I will leave Jakarta...and Java island for maybe more than 2 years. I have never left this island for whole of my life. Never used air transportation and water transportation either. So poor of me... :D
But soon, for working and the next career I'm going to leave this place to the farther east part of Indonesia. It is in North Maluku province for more detail is West Halmahera region, which I already have searched and browsed it lies on Jailolo town (small town i guess).
I have read and paid attention about access to go there from Jakarta. Airplane ticket is around 2million rupiahs (OMG T.T) from Jakarta-Ternate. And how to reach Jailolo? I read that it could be possible by speedboat from Ternate harbor (i forgot the name) to Jailolo harbor. It only take 50.000 rupiah. I guess i can deal with it. Hope so! Yes It quite expensive than the other place especialy from Sumatra or Kalimantan (Borneo). But I believe I could get the better future there.
Yesterday, I was thinking to get some schoolarship.I guess it gives me bigger possibility to get schoolarship knowing that if I apply from East Indonesia (they give some priority for east Indonesia people), I will get it easier and other requirement is I'm PNS (civil servant), I'm  woman, work at least 2 years (it fits me well my boss will allow me to apply.. i wish), and English by IELTS at least 5,5 and TOEFL at least 550 to get to New Zealand. This is one of my destination, New Zealand, Australia, and other countries in Europe ( UK, Netherland, France, or Germany).
I will get it on 2017 :D so between that year I have to improve my knowledge and English conversation. I'm sure I will get it within 2 years...I'm sure... XD


It's been a long time since my last post. This time I'm willing to share about my silly plans. I don't know well about my future wanna be, but I'm sure this time I'm going to be make these ones out come true.

Knowing that I'm not smart enough, I realize that I got no chance to choose placement in the west part of Indonesia. I directly chose center and east part of Indonesia. And finally I got North Maluku as my next destination. I don't know why I feel it's such a spirit for me to go and stay there for my career. I believe in myself that by being there could lead me to the next level of my life. I wanted to apply some schoolarship abroad. For exact destination I'm so eager to go to New Zealand. It seems like there got a best place to live. By doing some QnA with my senior, she said that to apply some schoolarship, I have to start it from earlier time. Because it might have needed some extra preparation. It couldn't been done in an instant. So from her tips I should start to write paper and post it in journal. And for English trainning, I think I don't have to worry much. I have many friends for exercising in speaking English. And beside, I can also doing it by youtube or reading some English article. It shouldn't be my barrier, I wish.

Other more important thing is, I hope in the future I still have that fire for doing it. I'm so sure that if I want, I must be able to do it. I wish...I wish....