Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Dress Up Inspiration : HANNA MARIN (ASHLEY BENSON In Pretty Little Liars)

I have nothing to do lately, so i make some random stuff about fashion. I'm not fashionista, nooo of course not. Well, i'm just inspired by some tv shows that I've watched. I'm not gonna elaborate all of them. But for now I will tell you about one of my favorite tv show-teenage's series actually- this is it.. *drum roll* Pretty Little Liars. Yes, you know the sound of pretty will fly your imagination to some girly stuffs and that is not far from fashion. Yes, it is. But this series is far from your imagination. I confess that the casts are really fashionable, I can't deny that how I love what they are wearing. But this show tells about a murder which happened to a teenage girl, named Alison. She had four friends, Aria, Hanna, Emily. and Spencer. After she was gone, this four friends are separated. Until  Aria came back from Iceland, the terror was started. Creepy? Not really I think. Because I see that they are quite enjoying their lives. And by the way I'm also waiting their 14th episode of season 4. can't wait to know is Ezra A??
One of my favorite cast here is Hanna Marin, is played by Ashley Benson. She is a fashionable girl, very cheerful, always brings happiness to other, and of course a liar. She has a good taste of fashion. Very good I think. Aria also actually. But what she is wearing just not my type at all. Aria tends to be gothic (before Alison died), and then turns into vintage-she once said that vintage was her middle name-, hippie sometimes, or maybe punk. I dont know. Back to Hanna Marin, in the season 1 and 2 she was a blazery girl, very girly, but in the season 3 she was too sexy. I think maybe because Ashley Benson lost some of her weight and she could fit all of the skinny clothes. In the season 4 she comes back to her old style but with less make up. I think I like it better.
I will show you some of her look in the PLL. Check these stuffs out (If you want. I'm not forcing. Really not forcing, but at least check a little bit please. ;) )

1.  Pink Blazer and Purple Maxi Dress (Color Blocking)

She looks really amazing in this sleeveless purple dress. As we know she used this outfit in school, she added pink blazer to make her dress looks formal. I like about how she did the color blocking between pink and purple. I have this kind of outfit also and I match them both as Hanna inspired me. And it looks deadly cute.She also put on black belt to strengthen her waist curve. Yeah, she is the curvy one among the liars. If you see her closely you see that purple earrings which are matching to her dress.Her simple make up and as usual the touch of eyeliners make her looks stunningly beautiful. And that blue studded bag…isn’t that nice? But I don’t think that suit to be used in the school. Well I don’t think Hanna Marin cares about study anyway.

2.  Colorful Stripped Blazer and White Lace Dress 

She used this at the scene when she hang out in the dress store with her mom and met Spencer Hastings. She used colorful stripped blazer with the colors here are red, yellow, black,and pink. It is really “colorful”. But it doesn’t make her looked like wearing old-sick grandma sweater, does it?? Maybe because she used that white lace dress and black color underneath. I think everybody likes lace dress and little white dress. The problem is not all girls are good in lace dress. Well that lace dress covered the colorful blazer well and makes her doesn’t look too much “crowd”. And that necklace? No..that wasn’t hers…she just tried it in that store..But it’s nice though.But I’m not interested with that bag. Maybe because I’m not a bag-aholic

3.  Blue Blazer and Little Black Dress 

     Again with blazers. Hanna is the one of the girls in PLL who is known as blazer-holic. She almost used it all the time in school or when she hang out with other girls. I don’t know how much she has blazer with different styles and colors. Well here she used dark color, both for blazer and the dress. But good thing is she didn’t use dark blue color which only make her look ‘dead’ in that color. But this look is quite formal, see her belt, ring, and that thorny bracelet..where can I have it??

4.  Striped Shirt and Mini Skirt (Stripped vs Pattern)

That mint-striped shirt does not look so exciting for me actually. But when you see what she was wearing for skirt you will change your mind. That looks like batik, does it? With the same tone color with the shirt, it looks totally matching. But I don’t know she put the shirt inside or outside because in this picture I saw different thing. Well inside or outside both are looking good with that big belt, so that it doesn’t look bubbling or balloning. I feel amaze how the stripped shirt is looking just fine with pattern skirt. Maybe we can try this tips, wearing stripped shirt and pattern skirt or the opposite, but use the same tone color. I don’t know about different color yet, and looking forward when she will use that type of style then.

For now that was it. I got these pictures from some website of actress's fashion. But i forgot the name of the website. But if you feel you know you can tell me. I want to show you more about all of clothes in her wardrobe, but I think that is not my capasity because I don't have fasion basic. So I wrote them all in my own words and opinion. Have a good healthy life, bye!

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