Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Me and My Weight

This is my first post about doing some aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process (Wikipedia). Well, if i got some times i will make summary about this stuff.
The thing is, i kind of making some "move" to myself (literally) for doing this exercise. Not easy in the first time when i did this. I was feeling so weak, sleepy, and hungry alot. I don't know why maybe after losing some calory. Until now, I have done this for 3 times in 3 days. Every morning. The progress I've made is day by day I can quite controlling my appetite and I feel "not heavy" for moving my body as usual. Knowing that I have very amazingly long holiday and I was just spending my time in front of laptop for whole 3 months, it was not good at all.
First day, I was losing it, I was feeling unconscious :D . Second day, I can't controlling myself to eat alot of "gorengan" (this is useless day). Third day, I have breakfast before doing exercise as usual and then I don't eat again after I have finished. I eat lunch in the exact lunch time. Good.
What i feel about my body? Not much change, of course it's still 3rd day. But i feel more fresh, less sleepy, and I feel enjoying every food I eat. I hope it's gonna give me some benefit to my mind and body. When I'm doing it I just feel happy.
Here is the video that I use for training, Just this one for now. I will keep doing it until I'm bored then change with the new video. Check this one out!

Last time I checked my weight, that was really scary, it's hitting the 60kgs. My height is 162 cm or 5'3''. I compared to myself to Ashley Benson's height and it's same according to some articles on Google (not that I compared her and mine in real, I wish I did). But she only has about 54 kgs. Of course because she is an actress.So i think i just need to lose my weight until 57kgs. Why? Because I ever reached that weight before I started to go to college.Therefore it is the lowest height that I think quite suits me well. But I don't know why I didn't look so slim that time. So, i think to lessen the weight into 55kgs, maybe :p . Well, let's see. I don't know whether I gain more weight since graduated or not. Since I eat same but don't have activity.
My focus here actually, I want to wear pants on "magang" time. If i wore long skirts, it wouldnt be matter actually, just it would be so much troublesome. Hhaa, I guess you don't see the points. Okay, leave it. I just want a pair of proper thighs for my body, that's it. How about now? I don't feel it flexible to use anything, either skirt or pants. Because I will still look like a big "pear".
Thanx God I have quite tall figure, so that I could manage myself using many clothes without making it any shorter for myself. I just need to take care of my disturbing weight. I'm not that fat actually, not like obessity fat but yeah I'm not slim. I'm just too much curvy but not much like Kim Kardarshian please, that's really euuuw.,, sorry.
Well i'm gonna keep this updated in this blog about me and my weight and my aerobic exercise everyday. I try to convince myself to do the exercise for a month, in Januari and see the change. I'm not going anywhere from home. Just gonna spend time in home because I have no f**king income and no job either. Kind of lazy and pathetic? I wish some of magazines accept my kid's story, *wish*. Just keep on good thinking and be healthy.

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